Imagine this, you are a published writer, with a dozen odd books under your name. You frequently write articles on random things for various newspapers, magazines etc. After a while you realize that you have a repository of published & unpublished articles, and you are left wondering what can be done with them. Then zoop, pops out a brilliant thought. ‘Lets publish a book with those’ and in order to bind the randomness together, let’s use the threads of literature around it’. I guess thats how Anita Nair would possibly have incubated Good Night and God Bless. However for me, it was good thought and the outcome was blissful. I thrive on bed-time reading, and that’s exactly what made me pick up this book, as the book’s back cover describes ‘a bedtime ritual of drinking a warm cup of malted milk and along the books by her bedside’. The book talks about h er bedside table, which usually contains an assortment of books & the delight that they bring alongside. She has com...