My horoscope today said “Smile, that’s all” and I wondered if it’s something “that’s all” type simple.Coincidentally few days ago over a cup of tea I was talking to a friend of mine and I mentioned to her that one of the first things that people would notice about her was her smile. Then she told me something interesting that she had actually done a study where she observed people travelling with her and found that almost everyone has this very serious expression on their faces all the time and people hardly smiled. I found this very interesting and for the next few days I saw that, yes people around me have a default non-smilie expression. Smiling is one of the simplest things to do but yet it’s one that most forgotten and most taken for granted activities. Yet its one the most beautiful things created. Just imagine that toothless grin of a little child. Doesn’t it fill you with an endearing feeling? The way your heart does a summersault when that special someone smiles at you. That’s...