It’s after a long time that I got back to writing. Not that I wasn’t writing or anything this while, infact I was writing more than ever. However they weren’t any blogs, but lots of infra solutions and RFP responses. Anyways, after a really long time I had the weekend to myself where I didn’t need to take back work with me. So I did what I loved to do on a lazy weekend, watch some movies, snuggle up with a book and endlessly surf through the television channels. When watching TV, I stopped by some of saas-bahu serials that have been on our usual Star,Zee etc. Initially I got a little confused that had the usual Star,Zee etc got changed into some Bhojpuri channels, as all the programs seemed to be based in Bhojpuri. Then I discovered that these channels seem to have the following type of shows, either Bhojpuri background or village based, or based on some child protagonist or child protagonist in a village set up or Bhojpuri village child based. Period. This is what most programs revolved around. Either it’s a creative dilemma that script writers are going through or simply they are aping a concept that may have been a hit. First it was saas-bahu, then femal attyachar and now child abuse. However, since the days of kunki, nothing has changed in the characters that have floated around on television. There is one good person and a team of bad people. The evil or the vamps are so strong, positive and raring to go types, with highly pathetic makeup specially for the eyes, a peculiar back ground sound and all they have to do is scheming out one ‘saazish’ or ‘chal’ after another, while good ones are too good to be true, forever crying and crying and when not crying they are again being just too good.
This is how the television world specially apna hindi one has been, completely black and white. I find this very strange as I don’t think that anyone can be only good and old bad. Each of us has a good and bad version within us and as the situation places itself, one of it comes into action. That’s why you’ll see yourself at one moment being the benevolent friend to someone and the very next moment, snap at something your sibling would say. Its characteristics like this that don’t let you be black or white but makes you grey instead!! Some of us may be dark shades of grey while some may be tilted towards the lighter one. Even the most cold-hearted person will have a softer & some nice aspects to them. But I wonder why it is so hard to depict characters like these into stories and scripts. Is a grey character is hard to depict or tough to be accepted by the audience. I guess the acceptance is a bigger factor than depiction, as right from our childhood our world of imagination has been made devoid of any colour with a cruel queen or witch and the good tortured little Cinderella or Snow white. I think our imaginary world is world that is to be far detached from the world of reality, which is a possible explanation why that world is predominantly black and white. Its about time we begin to play with various colors!
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