While aimlessly surfing TV during lunch today, I landed up watching few scenes of ‘You've got email’ and came across a nice dialogue from there. " People are always saying that change is a good thing. But all they're really saying is that something you didn't want to happen at all... has happened" .
If you look around, this actually holds true.Over the last couple of months, I have actual seen this so closely around me. Whether its changes happening on work front or alterations at the home end, change seems synonymous to resistance, irrespective of whether it will do you good. One gets so sore everytime one is displaced from the coziness of the comfort zone, especially the older ones. The older you get, the more you want your bets to give the same outcome as what you desire.Even if there are experiences waiting to take you to a better place, you would vehemently resist that. Therefore, I feel this so called 'Steady State' in IT terms in personal lives is not so good place to be.Instead I prefer my childhood self, where we were wide-eyed open for experiences coming our way. I loved that constant free-fall!!And someone rightly said “Growing old isn’t your choice, but growing up is!”
-Happy Reading
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