This one is a time travel as I am going to pick up this one episode from the life.
It was my birthday 17th or 18th may be. It was a time when Facebook didn't remind people about your birthday and also there weren't mobile phones. In order words if you wanted to wish, you actually had to call. I would spend hours by the phone and it felt much better than having 1000 odd messages on my wall.
So this one was pretty much going the same way until someone rang the door bell. When I opened, I had a bouquet of beautiful flowers waiting for me. Oh happy me!
Here is when the fun began, we didn't know who it was from!! There was no name. A birthday wish.
If hash tags existed then that moment would read as this #Secret admirer#MeReally#!!!! #visiblyshockedparentswhodidn'tknowho2react!!!#topoftheworld#sofullofme
A decade has come and gone by with fabulous birthdays in it. But this one I'll always remember as this was the first time I knew I was person of interest.
Eventually I did find who the flowers were from and that story couldn't take off even before the flowers had happened. The flowers however reflected joy and hash tags, irrespective of how the story went.
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