Have you seen someone walking on a rope and balancing their way through? Well, I was very amused when I saw it the first time and still continue to be. Its skill of maintaining balance and using a balancing tool to be centered. According to me now, that summarizes life. Its always about striking the balance. We are either walking the rope and a plank whose width changes as per situations we encounter making the act of being centered either easy or challenging.
At 2016 ends, right now I feel pull in different directions or rather
the feeling of being torn between competing desires.
Relationship v/s freedom. My dreams
v/s someone else’s dreams and happiness. Shall I uproot what seems stable to
venture into unknown territories? How do I know if I love or hate something
unless I try it? Will I be able
to discard dreams and stay happy
When driving home after thanksgiving ceremony, the husband and I were
wondering that does it take a crisis to see how out of sync things really are. I
read somewhere that Sometimes may be it takes a message from the Universe that
tells you "it's time to slow down," "It's time to let go,"
or "It's time to give up control."
I want to find a middle ground between all of these conflicting areas in
your life. I want to bring the opposing forces -- the good and the bad, the
happy and the sad, the light and the dark -- back toward the center.
I want to align myself with life's natural cycles rather than trying to
force a specific outcome. Find the center and walking the rope
smoothly while having the courage to face the truths and taking decisions with
strength so that at the end I have my heart’s desires (or so I think) fulfilled.
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