When I was growing up and especially in my teens I recall my parents telling me not to get influenced by what my friends did. I should have a mind of my own and decide what's right and what's not. That's where I drew the first line. And then on the list of such lines and boundaries continues. You need boundaries, between you and the rest of the world. Boundaries don't keep other people out, they fence you in. They fence you into a framework that's acceptable to you. According to me, the most important and complicated boundaries are the ones you draw at work. So you create your boundaries and hope that no one crosses those. However life has a funny sense of humor and at an unguarded silent moment someone breaks the lines and crosses over the boundaries. Now, there's a decision to make, do I want to rebuild that boundary again or explore life by crossing over. Some are way too dangerous to cross and can turn life into a mess. But I wonder when has life not been a mess, so can you still constantly live crossing boundaries or creating less complicated ones. But here is what I know, the one time I let someone break into the boundaries that I created, the view from the other side is simply spectacular and I am loving what life has offered me. And guess what, I just built a boundary to confine myself to that view. It's the view I wake Upto every morning .. well almost if he isn't traveling :p
16 July 2013.
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