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Showing posts from August, 2009

The Not So White Tiger!

I just finished reading the White Tiger by Aravind Adiga and here is what I felt about it. The book revolves around Balram, who hails from a typical rural set-up and is a classic story of one who rose from rags to riches. During one of his school inspections, he is labeled as a white tiger, a rarest creature in the jungle, only coming along once in every generation. He was labeled so, as he was one of the only students who could read and write. He enjoyed studying but his family borrows money from one of the landlords to pay for a cousin's dowry resulting which he has to leave school and start working in teahouses. However, he takes this also as an opportunity to learn which opens another avenue for him. He takes on the driving after convincing his grandmother to pay Rs 600 for his driving lessons. From then on begins new journey for his destiny with each chapter unfolding newer experiences that take him a step closer to a prosperous future. When Balram moves into Delhi with his ma